New group beginning

Un-learning *** Un- Becoming *** Re Creating
For over forty years I have learnt and studied the various arts of Yoga, Bach Flower Essences, Family Constellation Work and most recently the Healing Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu and on my journey both I and my clients have benefited and grown.
Now my path is leading me to create a group to integrate and incorporate all that I have gained and share it and collaborate with those of you who feel drawn to step on to this new path with me.
This new group is being created where we will move into our greater good, drawing on our strengths and clearing away what remains in our lives that does not serve the path.
So I invite you to read some of the ideas below then if this resonates with you please contact me
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In these times of great change and turmoil there is so much negativity
- 'dissing' - putting one another down, criticising the ways of others,
so much talk of what is wrong with the world.
How can we shift this to consciously create what we DO want in the world, in our lives and within ourselves and not feel overwhelmed by the outside forces.
Sometimes to grow we UN-LEARN much of what we have know - the WAY in which we know going beyond methods and techniques, and unraveling the tight knots
that may still be inside with kindness, with tenderness.
Through Un-Becoming, Un-Learning.......... and thus
Being Present
Through achieving Inner Stillness - this Presence......
We come in touch with 'Higher' Thoughts and Ways of Being - Thoughts that come from Source, from Spirit -
entering into a deep place of Stillness connected to All That Is.
One of the major influences and delights on my journey has been reading so-called 'Fantasy' novels - I learn so much from their archetypal perspectives.
The hero or heroine's journey - beset by darkness from both inside and outside themselves - finding the journey's end - defeating the 'darkness' by overcoming misperceptions and drawing on strengths within that they didn't know they had.
One of these is the skill of 'making' - somewhat different from visualization.
This quote from a book I just read - "The Radiant Road" by Katherine Catmull -
Why do we dream -
"You come to converse with your true selves....You converse with yourself. You choose who you are...."
A change from the Inside out - from within ourselves flowing out......
Get to know and converse with your True Self............
In this new group we will learn 'Being' together, supporting one another as we paradoxically surrender and transform the ways of the past, yet also keep the strength given by our roots.
We will support one another and at each gathering there will be a theme - a way of connection.
Ways which we may share together....
Being In Nature
Observation of 'what is'
Art and Craft experiences - Without necessarily focusing on an 'end product.'
Telling our Stories
Awareness, Sense experience exercises
Constellation Meditations and Exercises
Nurturing Healing Touch
Flower Essences
Movement, Walking, Dancing
You can participate either in person at approximately monthly gatherings - or online with Skype or tele-gatherings.
We will create a community where we can support one another when we reach those 'stuck' places and nurture one another and ourselves, developing understanding and compassion.
Participants will incorporate and collaborate with all the tools and life resources.
The next 'in person' gathering will be on Saturday 25th February from
1.15 - 4.15 pm at Huntington Beach Yoga Collective, 309 Main Street, suite 109, Huntington Beach, 92648.
Cost - Suggested Donation - range $10 or above......
At these first meetings we are conceiving and gestating the process using meditation, story telling, sharing and movement.
Please email or call me if you are interested.
Come converse with your true self and connect with others of like mind-
World Weavers
Call Helena - (949) 294-1759
or email -